Primetel Data Vouchers

Primetel Pay as you go subscribers can select one of the new Data and Combo Top-up cards available at

Mobee Payments retailers.

The vouchers offer 10GB for €5, 60GB for €10, 120GB for €15, 250GB for €20 and 500GB €50

Blueberry Direct Load

Blueberry Direct Load is now available at most Mobee Payments Retail outlets.

This is the new service that Blueberry offers to its customers, which they can directly

load their Blueberry wallets, easily and securely. Available top-up amounts €10, €20, €50, €100, €250 and €500 (the amount of €500 is only available in Direct Load Service).

Customer’s charge fee is 1.5%


Customer Service: 26257888 / 70007677

Top – Up Barcode
Direct Load Blueberry €10 5211245010005
Direct Load Blueberry €20 5211245020004
Direct Load Blueberry €50 5211245050001
Direct Load Blueberry €100 5211245100003
Direct Load Blueberry €250 5211245250005
Direct Load Blueberry €500 5211245500001

Aποτελέσματα κλήρωσης αρ.23/2018 στις 17 Οκτωβρίου 2018

Αποτελέσματα κλήρωσης αρ.23/2018 του Κρατικού Λαχείου που έγινε στις 17 Οκτωβρίου 2018